Travel Hacking

Travel Photography Tips For Beginners

Travel Photography Tips For Beginners

Travel Photography Tips For Beginners | Written by Julie Boyd | Photography by Julie Boyd Photography is a huge passion of mine, so taking great photos when traveling comes naturally to me. However, just because you are not a photographer, doesn’t mean you can’t take 

Finding Time to Travel with a Full Time Job

Finding Time to Travel with a Full Time Job

How to Travel With a Full Time Job | Written by Brian Callender | Photography by Julie Boyd Julie and I love to travel which should come as no surprise, after all, it’s why we started this travel blog! We love sharing our experiences, and hope 

Traveling for “Free” with my Favorite Credit Card

Traveling for “Free” with my Favorite Credit Card

Written by Brian Callender One of the questions I have been getting more and more of late, has been, “what is a good travel rewards credit card to start earning points for free flights?” Previously, I wrote about how I stumbled across “travel hacking” by