Travel Photography Tips For Beginners

Travel Photography Tips For Beginners

Travel Photography Tips For Beginners | Written by Julie Boyd | Photography by Julie Boyd

Photography is a huge passion of mine, so taking great photos when traveling comes naturally to me. However, just because you are not a photographer, doesn’t mean you can’t take great images as well! After all, some of these trips are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, so having a good photographic record of them is important.

Remember, that taking a great photo is not about having the best camera. Understanding light and composition is the key to taking great pictures, and if you understand how they work together, you can create powerful images even with your iPhone. Here are some tips to get you started on taking great travel photos. (Travel Photography Tips For Beginners)

Shoot at sunrise or sunset

Travel Photography Tips For Beginners

Lighting is the best for photos when the sun is low on the horizon, so making sure you are out-and-about between the two hours after sunrise, and the two hours before sunset, is the key to making great images. A bonus for being up at sunrise is that typically less people are awake, so you might get to enjoy an otherwise popular location before the tour busses start unloading for the day.

Shoot with the lightTravel Photography Tips For Beginners

Make sure you aren’t shooting into the sun or light source, otherwise your subject will be dark, and the background will blown-out (unless you are trying to intentionally do a silhouette). Notice in the image above of Westminster Abby the sun is behind me and illuminating the building. I am shooting in the direction that the light is going. If the sun was in front of me, I would have hard time capturing the details of the building and the beautiful sky. You can experiment with this in your own home with your phone camera. First have your subject stand with their back to the window, and then take a pic. Next switch places and do the same. Notice a difference? (Travel Photography Tips For Beginners)

Use soft light for portraits

Tips for Taking Great Travel Photos

Find a shaded area where the light is even. This will make your subject’s skin look more soft and flattering, and eliminate distracting shadows that can form under the eyes when shooting in direct sunlight. Notice in the picture on the left, Brian has harsh shadows on his face because the light is coming from above and casting a shadow, making his eyes dark. On the right, Brian is sitting in the shade, so the light is bouncing up from the ground and filling in the light on his eyes. (Travel Photography Tips For Beginners)

Fill the frame

Eliminate distracting or unnecessary objects from your image. This will help draw focus to your subject, and make your image more interesting. In the image above of the deer, it is hard to see the subject, but by filling in the frame you can bring more attention to the details of your subject.

Change your perspective

Don’t just stand up straight and snap your photo. Move around! Get down low to the ground, or shoot from a higher angle to add drama or show a new perspective. This will add interest to your photos, and make them more distinctive. (Travel Photography Tips For Beginners)

Look for unique compositions

Tips for Taking Great Travel Photos


It takes an artistic eye to see different compositions, but if you pre-visualize your shot and practice, you will improve. Start by thinking about everything in your frame, and then see what is around you that might add interest to your image. Maybe you can use flowers to frame your image in the foreground, or the wall of a building to be a leading line back to your subject. Look at photos that really stand out to you for inspiration, and then practice replicating them until you master creating your own compositions.

Don’t forget about the details!

I love taking photos of epic sunsets or a beautiful cityscape, but it is important to capture the details of a scene as well. Shooting things like the hands of a street artist painting, or an interesting rock in the sand will help tell the story of the place you are experiencing. Slow down, soak it all in, and capture all of the things around you that help contribute to the memory of the place you are visiting.

Recommended travel and landscape photography gear:

My Travel and Landscape Photography Gear

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12 thoughts on “Travel Photography Tips For Beginners”

  • Siarra | Wander.Focus.Love says:

    I love photography tips–I constantly I have to remind myself to take photos of smaller details. Sometimes, it’s the little things that can have the best impact.

    • Julie Boyd says:

      Well said Siarra! I have to remind myself too! 🙂

  • Mayuri says:

    This post is so easy to follow and a great read. Thanks so sharing these wonderful pictures and the tips

    I will be using some of your tips to bettermy pictures

    • Julie Boyd says:

      Thank you Mayuri! I am so glad that you found it helpful! Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

  • Jaime Nicoline says:

    Thanks for this! I’ve been reading articles recently on photo tips and I think this has been the best, especially the bit about filling the frame, I think that’s a common mistake I make with my photos.

    • Julie Boyd says:

      Thank you so much Jaime! That really means a lot! I am so glad to hear you found it helpful! 🙂

  • Jackie Gately says:

    This is such a straightforward guide to good travel photography, Even as a long-time photographer, I am inspired! I’m already thinking about looking up the sunrise and sunset times of my next trip and blocking off the two hours after/before in my calendar for photography. Also, shooting “with the sun” makes perfect sense. These are things I’ve happened to capture by default, but you’ve demystified the best timing and techniques for me. Much appreciated!

    • Julie Boyd says:

      I’m so glad you found this helpful Jackie! Hope you have a great time on your trip!

  • Sherianne says:

    Great tips! I love going out early to get photos. Not only is the great but there’s no people to try to shoot around

    • Julie Boyd says:

      Yes! I hate getting up early, but the beautiful light and lack of crowds make it so worth it in the end.

  • Pam says:

    These are great tips. I never thought about the shadows and making it a soft light. A great tip that’s easy to implement

    • Julie Boyd says:

      I’m glad you found it helpful, Pam! Happy shooting! 🙂